Kooijman, A.M.; , Cusell, C.; Hedenäs, L.; Lamers, L.P.M.; Mettrop, I.S.; Neijmeijer, T. (2020). ‘Re-assessment of phosphorus availability in fens with varying contents of iron and calcium’, Plant and Soil 447: pp. 219–239. Link (pdf)

Mettrop, I.S.; Neijmeijer, T.; Cusell, C.; Lamers, L.P.M.; Hedenäs, L.; Kooijman, A.M. (2018). ‘Calcium and iron as key drivers of brown moss composition through differential effects on phosphorus availability’, Journal of Bryology 40(4): pp. 350-357. Link

Kooijman, A.M.; Cusell, C.; Mettrop, I.S.; Lamers, L.P.M. (2016). ‘Recovery of target bryophytes in floating rich fens after 25 years of inundation by base-rich surface water with lower nutrient contents’, Applied Vegetation Science 19: pp. 53–65. Link (pdf)

Mettrop, I.S.; Cusell, C.; Kooijman, A.M.; Lamers, L.P.M. (2015). ‘Short-term summer inundation as a measure to counteract acidification in rich fens’, PLOS One. Link (pdf)

Mettrop, I.S.; Rutte, D.; Kooijman, A.M.; Lamers, L.P.M. (2015). ‘The ecological effects of water level fluctuation and phosphate enrichment in mesotrophic peatlands are strongly mediated by soil chemistry’, Ecological Engineering 85, pp. 226-236. Link

Mettrop, I.S. (2015). ‘Water level fluctuations in rich fens: an assessment of ecological benefits and drawbacks’, PhD thesis, University of Amsterdam, 174 pp. Link (pdf)

Kooijman, A.M.; Hedenäs, L.; Mettrop, I.S.; Cusell, C. (2015). ‘Calliergon megalophyllum rediscovered in the Netherlands after 50 years: comparison to Swedish habitats’, Lindbergia 38, pp. 20-29. Link (pdf)

Cusell, C.; Mettrop, I.S.; van Loon, E.E.; Lamers, L.P.M.; Vorenhout, M.; Kooijman, A.M. (2015). ‘Impacts of short-term droughts and inundations in species-rich fens during summer and winter: Large-scale field manipulation experiments’, Ecological Engineering 77, pp.127-138. Link

Mettrop, I.S.; Cusell, C.; Kooijman, A.M.; Lamers, L.P.M. (2014). ‘Nutrient and carbon dynamics in peat from rich fens and Sphagnum-fens during different gradations of drought’, Soil Biology and Biochemistry 68, pp. 317-328. Link

Mettrop, I.S.; Cammeraat, L.H.; Verbeeten, E. (2013). ‘The impact of subterranean termite activity on water infiltration and topsoil properties in Burkina Faso’, Ecohydrology 6, pp. 324-331. Link